Part 2: Build a Chalice application using Rekognition ===================================================== For this part of the tutorial, we will begin writing the media query Chalice application and integrate Rekognition into the application. This initial version of the application will accept the S3 bucket and key name of an image, call the ``DetectLabels`` API on that stored image, and return the labels detected for that image. So assuming the ``sample.jpg`` image is stored in a bucket ``some-bucket`` under the key ``sample.jpg``, we will be able to invoke a Lambda function that return the labels Rekognition detected:: $ echo '{"Bucket": "some-bucket", "Key": "sample.jpg"}' | chalice invoke --name detect_labels_on_image ["Animal", "Canine", "Dog", "German Shepherd", "Mammal", "Pet", "Collie"] For this section, we will be doing the following to create this version of the application: .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 Create a new Chalice project ---------------------------- Create the new Chalice project for the Media Query application. Instructions ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Create a new Chalice project called ``media-query`` with the ``new-project`` command:: $ chalice new-project media-query Verification ~~~~~~~~~~~~ To ensure that the project was created, list the contents of the newly created ``media-query`` directory:: $ ls media-query requirements.txt It should contain an ```` file and a ``requirements.txt`` file. Copy over boilerplate files --------------------------- Copy over starting files to facilitate development of the application Instructions ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Copy over the starting point code for section ``02-chalice-with-rekognition`` into your ``media-query`` directory:: $ cp -r chalice-workshop/code/media-query/02-chalice-with-rekognition/. media-query/ .. note:: If you are ever stuck and want to skip to the beginning of a different part of this tutorial, you can do this by running the same command as above, but instead use the ``code`` directory name of the part you want to skip to. For example, if you wanted to skip to the beginning of Part 5 of this tutorial, you can run the following command with ``media-query`` as the current working directory and be ready to start Part 5:: media-query$ cp -r ../chalice-workshop/code/media-query/05-s3-delete-event/. ./ Verification ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Ensure the structure of the ``media-query`` directory is the following:: $ tree -a media-query ├── .chalice │   ├── config.json │   └── policy-dev.json ├── .gitignore ├── ├── chalicelib │   ├── │   └── ├── ├── requirements.txt └── resources.json For the files that got added, they will be used later in the tutorial but for a brief overview of the new files: * ``chalicelib``: A directory for managing Python modules outside of the ````. It is common to put the lower-level logic in the ``chalicelib`` directory and keep the higher level logic in the ```` file so it stays readable and small. You can read more about ``chalicelib`` in the Chalice `documentation `__. * ``chalicelib/``: A utility module to further simplify ``boto3`` client calls to Amazon Rekognition. * ``.chalice/config.json``: Manages configuration of the Chalice application. You can read more about the configuration file in the Chalice `documentation `__. * ``.chalice/policy-dev.json``: The IAM policy to apply to your Lambda function. This essentially manages the AWS permissions of your application * ``resources.json``: A CloudFormation template with additional resources to deploy outside of the Chalice application. * ````: Records resource values from the additional resources deployed to your CloudFormation stack and saves them as environment variables in your Chalice application . Write a Lambda function for detecting labels -------------------------------------------- Fill out the ```` file to write a Lambda function that detects labels on an image stored in a S3 bucket. Instructions ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Move into the ``media-query`` directory:: $ cd media-query 2. Add ``boto3``, the AWS SDK for Python, as a dependency in the ``requirements.txt`` file: .. literalinclude:: ../../../code/media-query/03-add-db/requirements.txt :linenos: 3. Open the ```` file and delete all lines of code underneath the line: ``app = Chalice(app_name='media-query')``. Your ```` file should only consist of the following lines:: from chalice import Chalice app = Chalice(app_name='media-query') 3. Import ``boto3`` and the ``chalicelib.rekognition`` module in your ```` file: .. literalinclude:: ../../../code/media-query/03-add-db/ :linenos: :lines: 1-3 :emphasize-lines: 1,3 4. Add a helper function for instantiating a Rekognition client: .. literalinclude:: ../../../code/media-query/03-add-db/ :linenos: :lines: 1-15 :emphasize-lines: 7,10-15 5. Add a new function ``detect_labels_on_image`` decorated by the ``app.lambda_function`` decorator. Have the function use a rekognition client to detect and return labels on an image stored in a S3 bucket: .. literalinclude:: ../../../code/media-query/03-add-db/ :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 18-22 Verification ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Ensure the contents of the ``requirements.txt`` file is: .. literalinclude:: ../../../code/media-query/03-add-db/requirements.txt :linenos: 1. Ensure the contents of the ```` file is: .. literalinclude:: ../../../code/media-query/03-add-db/ :linenos: Create a S3 bucket ------------------ Create a S3 bucket for uploading images and use with the Chalice application. Instructions ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Use the AWS CLI and the ``resources.json`` CloudFormation template to deploy a CloudFormation stack ``media-query`` that contains a S3 bucket:: $ aws cloudformation deploy --template-file resources.json --stack-name media-query Verification ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Retrieve and store the name of the S3 bucket using the AWS CLI:: $ MEDIA_BUCKET_NAME=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name media-query --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='MediaBucketName'].OutputValue" --output text) 2. Ensure you can access the S3 bucket by listing its contents:: $ aws s3 ls $MEDIA_BUCKET_NAME Note that the bucket should be empty. Deploy the Chalice application ------------------------------ Deploy the chalice application. Instructions ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Install the dependencies of the Chalice application:: $ pip install -r requirements.txt 2. Run ``chalice deploy`` to deploy the application:: $ chalice deploy Creating deployment package. Creating IAM role: media-query-dev-detect_labels_on_image Creating lambda function: media-query-dev-detect_labels_on_image Resources deployed: - Lambda ARN: arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789123:function:media-query-dev-detect_labels_on_image Verification ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Upload the sample workshop image to the S3 bucket:: $ aws s3 cp ../chalice-workshop/code/media-query/final/assets/sample.jpg s3://$MEDIA_BUCKET_NAME 2. Create a ``sample-event.json`` file to use with ``chalice invoke``:: $ echo "{\"Bucket\": \"$MEDIA_BUCKET_NAME\", \"Key\": \"sample.jpg\"}" > sample-event.json 3. Run ``chalice invoke`` on the ``detect_labels_on_image`` Lambda function:: $ chalice invoke --name detect_labels_on_image < sample-event.json It should return the following labels in the output:: ["Animal", "Canine", "Dog", "German Shepherd", "Mammal", "Pet", "Collie"]