Section 3: Add a DynamoDB table for Todo application ==================================================== In this step, we'll replace the in-memory database with an Amazon DynamoDB table. Initial Setup ------------- The starting code for this step is in the ``chalice-workshop/code/todo-app/part1/03-add-dynamodb`` file. If necessary, you can copy over those files as a starting point for this step:: $ cp ../chalice-workshop/code/todo-app/part1/03-add-dynamodb/ $ cp ../chalice-workshop/code/todo-app/part1/03-add-dynamodb/ $ cp ../chalice-workshop/code/todo-app/part1/03-add-dynamodb/chalicelib/ chalicelib/ $ cp ../chalice-workshop/code/todo-app/part1/03-add-dynamodb/.chalice/policy-dev.json .chalice/policy-dev.json $ cp ../chalice-workshop/code/todo-app/part1/03-add-dynamodb/.chalice/config.json .chalice/config.json Create a DynamoDB table ------------------------ In this section, we're going to create a DynamoDB table and configure chalice to pass in the table name to our application. 1. First, we'll need to install boto3, the AWS SDK for Python. Run this command:: $ pip install boto3 2. Add boto3 to our requirements.txt file. Chalice uses this file when building the deployment package for your app:: $ pip freeze | grep boto3 >> requirements.txt 3. Now that boto3 is installed, we can create the DynamoDB table Run the ```` script with the ``--table-type app`` option. This will take a few seconds to run. :: $ python --table-type app 5. Verify that this script added the table name to the ``.chalice/config.json`` file. You should see a key named ``APP_TABLE_NAME`` in this file:: $ cat .chalice/config.json { "stages": { "dev": { "environment_variables": { "APP_TABLE_NAME": "todo-app-...." }, "api_gateway_stage": "api" } }, "version": "2.0", "app_name": "testapp" } 6. Next, we'll add a test route to double check we've configured everything correctly. Open the ```` file and these import lines to the top of the file:: import os import boto3 7. Add a new test route: .. code-block:: python @app.route('/test-ddb') def test_ddb(): resource = boto3.resource('dynamodb') table = resource.Table(os.environ['APP_TABLE_NAME']) return Verification ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Start up the local dev server: ``chalice local`` 2. Make a request to this test route and verify you get a 200 response:: $ http localhost:8000/test-ddb HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 45 Content-Type: application/json Server: BaseHTTP/0.3 Python/2.7.14 todo-app-0b116e7b-f0f8-4548-91d8-95c75898b8b6 Switching the ``InMemoryTodoDB`` to a ``DynamoDBTodo`` ------------------------------------------------------ Now that we've verified our DynamoDB table is plumbed into our chalice app correctly, we can update to use a new ``DynamoDBTodo`` backend instead of the ``InMemoryTodoDB``. The ``chalicelib/`` file you copied from ``code/todo-app/part1/03-add-dynamodb/chalicelib/`` has a new ``DynamoDBTodo`` class. This has the same interface as ``InMemoryTodoDB`` except that is uses DynamoDB as the backend. We're going to update our ```` to use this new class. 1. Remove the ``@app.route('/test-ddb')`` view function. We no longer need it now that we've verified that DynamoDB is correctly configured for our app. 2. Go to the ``get_app_db()`` function in your ```` file. Modify this function to use the ``DynamoDBTodo`` backend: .. code-block:: python def get_app_db(): global _DB if _DB is None: _DB = db.DynamoDBTodo( boto3.resource('dynamodb').Table( os.environ['APP_TABLE_NAME']) ) return _DB 3. Go to the top of the ```` file. Modify the line ``from chalicelib.db import InMemoryTodoDB`` to reference ``db`` instead: .. code-block:: python from chalicelib import db Verification ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Start up the local dev server ``chalice local`` 2. Create a Todo item:: $ echo '{"description": "My first Todo", "metadata": {}}' | \ http POST localhost:8000/todos HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 36 Content-Type: application/json Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2017 23:44:24 GMT Server: BaseHTTP/0.3 Python/2.7.10 de9a4981-f7fd-4639-97fb-2af247f20d79 3. Retrieve the Todo item you just created. Keep in mind that your UID will be different from what's shown below:: $ http localhost:8000/todos/de9a4981-f7fd-4639-97fb-2af247f20d79 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 140 Content-Type: application/json Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2017 00:03:26 GMT Server: BaseHTTP/0.3 Python/2.7.10 { "description": "My first Todo", "metadata": {}, "state": "unstarted", "uid": "de9a4981-f7fd-4639-97fb-2af247f20d79", "username": "default" } Deploy your app --------------- 1. Now that we've tested locally, we're ready to deploy:: $ chalice deploy Verification ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. First create a Todo item using the API Gateway endpoint:: $ chalice url https://your-chalice-url/ $ echo '{"description": "My second Todo", "metadata": {}}' | \ http POST https://your-chalice-url/todos HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 36 Content-Type: application/json abcdefg-abcdefg 2. Verify you can retrieve this item:: $ http https://your-chalice-url/todos/abcdefg-abcdefg HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 140 Content-Type: application/json { "description": "My second Todo", "metadata": {}, "state": "unstarted", "uid": "abcdefg-abcdefg", "username": "default" }